Christ what a rotten year. It's only four months old and I fucking hate it.
So far 2016 has taken away David Bowie, Prince, my ability to form trusting human relationships, Glenn Frey, Serverus Snape, my grandmother, Mauril Belanger's voice, Belgium as a tourist destination, and all but the last four or five hacks running for President. Even as I write this I'm learning of the death of blues legend Lonnie Mack - they're literally falling around us - and we remain gripped by the threat of complete obliteration by either nuclear war or religious zealots or getting laid in Brazil.
Goddamn, when will it end? Soon there will be no options left but an irresponsible dose of laudanum and 8 months of bedrest to reset and try again next year.
Despite the year's best attempts to convince me to rip off different parts of my body and smoke them in frustration, I do think it's important to believe that things tend to get better in the long run. Fly the flag of optimism as long as you can. Life changes and the lucky among us change with it. Whether you're dealing with illness or loss, a lousy job or no job at all, a hectic life with no moment's peace or the boring tedium of running out the clock in a quiet and empty room, the universe will still unfold as it should and that is worth taking heart in.
It doesn't matter if you're addicted to the news or your voice is hoarse from screaming obscenities at Wolf Blitzer, stuck in a cycle of compulsive masturbation or waiting for your court date, frazzled by wedding planning or lawyering up for divorce. Things tend to get better in the long run.
I know this to be true because it's almost summer again. The temperature is rising, the days are getting longer and brighter, and the first piece of my new arsenal has finally arrived so no matter who you think you are and what you've done, I'm going to fucking get you. Oh yes, indeed.